Again, please remember the following

  • They will be independent (without their parent or guardian) for an hour.

  • There will be an intense sensory experience walking onto the field (50,000+ fans, fireworks, loud music etc).

  • They will need to be stood still and on their best behaviour on the field for an extended period of time (during the Welcome to Country, the National Anthems and other announcements)

Other information to understand before progressing

  • We will be drawing the names at random on Tuesday morning (9:30am).

  • The only way to be involved in the drawing of names is by submitting the form below. Any other submission (text, whatsapp etc) will not count. We will be using an online random number generator to determine the results.

  • Only those who are registered with the Adelaide Jaguars will be considered. As per Football Australia’s request, only miniroos aged players (u11 eligible and younger) will be considered.

  • Families selected will be expected to volunteer for the club.

  • We’re aware of how incredible this opportunity is, but also that there are only limited spots available. The excitement is high, but the opportunity for disappointment is high as well. Please only fill in the form if you are comfortable with being told “no”.