Jags Connect
Coach at the Jags!
Jags Connect
Coach at the Jags!
Your name
KEEP - STOP - START: In relation to the preseason, what should we KEEP for next year, what should we STOP doing next year, and what should we START doing next year?
As a playing group, what are our key strengths?
You can take this to mean whatever you like
As a playing group, what are our key areas for improvement?
Again, it can apply to any element of the group
What are your expectations of yourself and your teammates / What are the standards of an exceptional teammate?
What are your expectations when it comes to the coaching group / what does exceptional coaching look like to you?
Is there anything extra the club could do to enhance your player experience?
It works both ways too - when it comes to the idea of "giving back to the club", how do you think you could do that?
*we didn't get to this question in the room.
Thank you!